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EGM of Red Bat Cricket Collective

Venue: The Three Tuns, Bishops Castle, Shropshire

Date: 26 August 2001


John Anzani, Matt Gummer, Jon Harry, Stuart Hunt, Bruce Kennedy (secretary), Phil Jones, Andy Lee, Chris Lewis, Dave Lloyd,. Dave Muir, Paul O'Connor, Lloyd Peters, Mike Redfern, Phil Solomon, Danny Whitelock

1 Preamble

The opportunity was taken to convene a General Meeting during the tour to allow the maximum opportunity for the active members of Red Bat to discuss the future of the Collective, given the difficulty of raising full teams for many matches (and following the discussion of this issue at the previous EGM).

Before discussion of the main item, Dave L made the incontestable point that the meeting room (located at the top of a rather steep stairway) did not allow wheelchair access, and that Dinah was therefore prevented from attending.  The meeting apologised to Dinah for this lack of forethought, and agreed that this should not happen in future.

2 Future fixtures

Paul made the proposal (seconded by Chris) that we should play no single games, and that from 2002 onwards the season should consist of two minitours and the main August tour.  The principal reasons for this were

  1. We always have full teams on tour, and rarely for one-off fixtures.

  2. We do this for fun, and a weekend in an agreeably bucolic part of the world promises more of that than a wet Sunday afternoon in some dismal London suburb.

The logic of this proposal quickly made itself felt, and it was agreed without the need for a vote.

Continuing with the positive spirit of the occasion, the nitty gritty passed off with much discussion but little rancour.

On the choice of location, there was a feeling that travelling to Suffolk was hard for those living north of Watford Gap.  A sensible choice of venue should require no more than 3 hours travelling for most players.

Tours will be organised in rotation: the first set of volunteers stepped forward with surprising alacrity.

Andy Lee - minitour
Jon Harry - minitour
Matt Gummer + Chris Lewis -  main tour

There followed a good deal of semi-delirious speculation on the lucky hosts of the 2002 RBCC tour - surely second only to the Olympics in terms of national prestige and doping scandals.  Front runners were Worcestershire and Holland (!), but time will tell.


Mike W has little time on his hands these days to keep the web site up to date, so Bruce and Phil S agreed to take over.  In a rather complex arrangement, Phil J will coordinate an archive of photographs for Phil S and Bruce to put up on the web for public derision.