The Constitution
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EGM of Red Bat Cricket Collective

Date: 30 March 1990


John Anzani, Peter Biggs, Bill Gill, Matt Gummer, Stuart Hunt, Phil Jones, Chris Lewis, Richard MacMillan (secretary), Keith Miller, Val Moon, Dave Muir, Paul O'Connor, Giles Pott, Mike Redfern, Phil Solomon, Mike Welbrock

Fulsome apologies for absence received from: Lloyd Peters, Steve Hewlett

1  Accounts

Giles produced a statement of the account to date, revealing funds totalling £138.93 (including £5 levied from guests to the nets at £1 per head per night) with a further £105 owed in 1990 membership fees by certain members.  The Treasurer declined to name the guilty persons but THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE.

Paul made the first of countless interventions pointing out that the net levy was well below what he would have expected, and blamed the Committee.  Chris Lewis nominated himself to deal with it.

There has been a very large increase in the cost of home pitches, from £16 to £30, totalling £246, thereby using up all existing and owed funds.  Therefore, Treas. proposed an extra levy of £5 per full member to keep the account in the black, and to pay for incidental expenses during the season.  This was seconded by Phil Solomon, and amid a chorus of good-natured joshing and banter, the vote was taken:

For 9 + 1 proxy
Against 3
Abstentions 0

A secondary proposal from Stuart to touch Country Members for £1 each for the same purpose was seconded by Paul, voted on and carried unanimously.  In a spectacular move, all four Country Members present paid on the spot.

2  Nets

Chris pointed out that the initial new booking finishes on 9th April.  Any more will have to be paid for without recourse to Collective funds.  There ensued a long and cogent discussion as the cut and thrust of debate led to first one carefully thought out scheme being proposed, then another.  Fixtures Secretary pointed out that since there are no available Collective funds, this is a matter for the membership to decide, not the Committee.  And so we did.

Plan A was proposed by Solly and seconded by John Anz.  Chris Lewis (voluntarily) will pay for 5 weeks nets, taking us well into the playing season.  He will be reimbursed by attendees at £2 per net per head (no reductions for anyone), in advance as much as possible.  Any profits will go into the Collective account, and any shortfall will come out of it.  A vote was taken:

For 9
Against 3
Abstentions 3

Since this proposal succeeded, Plans B and C were not voted on, and Stuart (author, Plan C) was miffed.

Paul made the second of countless interventions pointing out that the net levy was well below what he would have expected, and blamed the Committee.

3  Fixtures

Stuart requested that the match against the blind team be included in the averages.   Perhaps it was for this, or for a related comment, that Bill made the priceless observation of Stuart: "Your bollocks may be producing but your mouth isn't".

A brief debate resulted in a vote on the proposal to make the two Nuxley matches two separate games (proposed Mike R, seconded Bill Gill):

For 10
Against 0
Abstentions 1
Others At the bar

Following a suggestion from John to make fixtures available for matches against teams of mixed gender, a proposal from Solly to look into the possibility for 1-2 such matches next year was seconded by Phil Jones, and voted on

For 11
Against 1
Abstentions 2

4  Summer Tour

Delighted congratulations for arranging a full tour so quickly were heaped upon Solly's shoulders.

Fixtures Secretary announced the arrangements.  15 rooms, accomodating 25-27 people, have been booked, and will cost £18 per person.  As usual, there will be playing places for 16 (two games each) + 1 (one game).  £10 deposits are required (i.e. £20 for a couple) to make your place safe.

The burning issue now became 'How to enable the touring side to be selected fairly'.   After mutterings from unnamed Country Members about London Members having an unfair advantage, the Committee developed a totally fair system to overcome any quibbles.   Applications/deposits are to be posted to the Treasurer postmarked on or after 9th April.  The later you leave it, the less chance you have of getting on the tour.

Howls of derisive laughter echoed around the room from the less well mannered members present, but after long and intensely circular debate, only Stuart of the Fecund Bollocks could think of another way, but nobody likes that one either.  Eventually the Committee's plan was voted on:

For 9
Against 5
People who could figure out what all the fuss was about 0

The Committee was left to arrange it.

Paul made the third of countless interventions pointing out that the net levy was well below what he would have expected, and blamed the Committee.

5  Gear

The updated list of gear was circulated, with new purchases included.  The purchase of a new nylon kit bag for the match gear, agreed at the last AGM, will go ahead as soon as possible.

6  Team Selection and Availability

All members are respectfully asked to contact their committee member (or if unavailable, another committee member) with their availablity as far in advance as they can, and specifically not later than the Wednesday before a match.

Paul was adamant that there should be NO PICKING MATCHES, and that Country Members should get no special treatment.  Imagine his surprise when everyone agreed.

Rotas for dropping have been dropped after too many appearances.  Dropping will now occur based purely on matches played.

Dave Muir's bottom lip receded.

It was pointed out that London members must each play 10 matches to avoid the use of ringers.

7  Teas

The responsible task of Tea Monitor was graciously accepted by The Beard.

Keith produced two telling interventions:

  1. No tinned sweetcorn
  2. Where is the Tea Urn ?

Phil Jones received a special vote of thanks for revealing that the urn was on his mantlepiece in Wapping.

The Tea rota starts anew from the first home fixture, and no excuses will be accepted.

8  Sports Day

Things took a bizarre twist after John had another bash at getting a mixed gender match together instead of the proposed multi-discipline event.  Keith suggested a Beetle Drive, and Matt, moved to speak on the motion, asked Keith if he had ever been to Battersea.  Everyone then told Stuart to fuck off.

Nevertheless, John's proposal was voted on:

For 7
Against 7
Abstentions 1


For 7
Against 8
Abstentions 0

So Sports Day will be a mixture of games and races to be organised by the Committee.

9  New Members

A suggestion was made to groom a set of ringers for membership in the future.  No one seems to have objected to that.

Dave Muir proposed Barry Read as a new member, and Stuart "what am I seconding?" Hunt seconded it.  Vote:

For 3
Against 4
Abstentions 8

Solly and others were anxious to point out that this does not mean that Barry is not welcome, only that not enough members have met him, as 8 abstentions suggest.

10  Vice Captaincy

Nominees were Phil Solomon, Giles Pott, and (nominated at the meeting by Mike R and Matt) Stuart Hunt.

First Vote:

Phil Solomon 6 + 3 proxies = 9
Giles Pott 7 + 1 proxy = 9
Stuart Hunt 4 = 4

Stuart was eliminated.  Second Vote:

Phil Solomon 7 + 3 proxies = 10
Giles Pott 7 + 1 proxy = 8
Abstentions 2 = 2

Phil Solomon was thereby elected as Vice Captain and received a rousing round of applause.

11  Any other business

Val Moon expressed the hope that Red Bat would be well represented on the Anti-Poll Tax march from Kennington to Trafalgar Square on the 31st.  Solidarity was notable by its absence.

Mike Welbrock voiced the opinion that we were perhaps expecting too much of too few members to be able to support such a full season - i.e. too many fixtures.

At which point, it being 10.36pm the meeting was closed.