The Constitution
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AGM of RedBat Cricket Collective

Date: 19 November 1993

Present: Peter Biggs, Matt Gummer, Phil Jones, Chris Lewis, Richard MacMillan, Keith Miller, Dave Muir, Paul O'Connor (secretary), Giles Pott, Phil Solomon, Mike Welbrock

Apologies: Bruce Kennedy (in Switzerland), John Anzani (in Scotland), Mike Redfern (ditto), Jon Harry (in France), Steve Hewlett (in USA), Tony Rose (in bed), Andy Lee (in charge of someone else's baby), Tim Harry (in shock)

The more numerate amongst you may notice that this turn-out left us short of an official quorum.  There was a general agreement to carry on regardless (with Dave Muir as a spontaneously-combusting Hattie Jacques).

1.  Minutes of Last Meeting

Passed to general disinterest

2.  Treasurer's Report

Bruce's sums were passed around.  Although the accounts showed the collective to be £280.73 in the black, this represented an operating loss of £163.  The meeting entertained several ideas for tightening our belts, discounting all of them.

There are outstanding subs due from a number of sources, which would be sufficient to keep the wolves from our door.  The incoming Treasurer was invited to use his most persuasive wiles in order to attract some of the missing funds.

If come the EGM we were still looking a bit short of readies there remains the possibility of an extra levy on members.

Tour deposits still held by the collective could be reclaimed of left in the coffers until the next time (see later).

Chris Lewis proposed a vote of thanks to Bruce and several people nodded.

3.  Subscriptions

Without too much bother it was decided to leave these as they were (£30 for London members & £11 for country boys) for the time being.

4.  Fixtures

Following the 'talking shop' held a month or two before the AGM, discussion took place on when in the season we should drop a fixture.  Eventually we ended up with a proposal to take 2 rest week-ends in the 'fallow period' i.e. mid-July to early August, at least 1 to be in July (Proposer: Giles Pott, Seconder: PO'C).  This was passed by 6 votes to 2 with 3 abstentions.

We were all entreated to 'vibe up' by Phil Jones and I'm sure we shall.

On to our pet likes and dislikes.  Proposals were taken on dropping the Green Party, Cokenhatch, The Shakespeare, Richgas and the Victor Trumper team with the obnoxious git who vaguely resembles Lee Marvin.

Results as follows:

  For Against Abstentions
The Green Party 6 1 4
Cokenhatch 1 5 5
Richgas 2 4 5
The Shakespeare 2 4 5
Victor Trumper etc 2 3 6

A number of new fixtures were suggested including Shropham and a memorial visit to Wylam.  All met with some degree of agreement, and it was left to those who had suggested them to progress things in consultation with the incoming Fixtures Secretary.

5.  Nets

All agreed that these should continue in line with recent years, ie 8 weeks of nets straddling the season's dawn, with a 6 before/2 after sort of split.  The venue will see us renewing acquaintance with our friends at Brixton Leisure Centre.

The was followed by the Andy Lee memorial debate on coaching nets.

6.  Gear

Peter Biggs suggested that the collective adopt a gear-sitting list which no-one objected to too much.

The purchase of new gear was as ever left to the incoming Committee.  Inventory of current gear to be arranged.

7.  Tour

Phil Solomon and Steve Hewlett were thanked for their parts in organising this years tour.  Suggestions for 1994 included The Lake District, North-West England generally, East Anglia with a bent towards Suffolk, Northumberland and The New Forest.  In a disorganised show of interest they received the following number of positive votes:

The Lake District  6
North-West England   2 x 1/2
East Anglia 9
The New Forest 8
Northumberland 3

Phil Jones and JA in absentia volunteered to take on the organisational mantle for 1994.

8.  New Committee

Giles Pott, eager to maintain the influence of the fat boy tendency, proposed Dave Muir as Captain, seconded by Peter Biggs.  Despite there being no other candidates a vote tool place, and Dave waddled home by 9 votes to 2.

Bruce Kennedy was apparently willing to serve again as Treasurer, and was elected unopposed (Proposer: PO'C, seconded: The Beard).

The Beard declared himself willing to reclaim his birthright as Honorary Secretary (Proposel: Gile POtt, Seconder: Mike Welbrock).  No one else appeared remotely interested, and Beard was thereby elected.

Chris Lewis gallantly agreed to sort out the fixtures for yet another year, with the proviso that he get some relief during the season (Proposer: Dave Muir, Seconder: PO'C).  Chris was thereby elected.

Mike Welbrock blinked first and found himself back on the Committee as Minister Without Portfolio (Proposer: Keith Miller, Seconder: The Beard).

Congratulations to all 5 proud boys.

9.  AOB

Phil had prepared the season's averages and these were handed out.  The career averages to follow.

The Player of the Year came down to a Sumo Wrestling contest between Dave Muir and Steve Hewlett.  Dave emerged victorious by 6 chins to 4.

1994 will see the tenth anniversary of the birth of RBCC, and it was suggested that we should mark the occasion with T-shirts, other memorabilia, a special game, Slalom D, A Flip The Kipper tourney etc.

We all cheered Giles to the echo, and with a reminder that the prodigal son, Mike Welbrock, should 'buy some boots', Phil Jones led the triumphant masses barwards.


The 1994 RBCC Quiz will take place on Saturday, February in the Rose & Crown, Colombo Street (same place as last year).  Try and be there for 8.00pm.