The Constitution
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AGM of RedBat Cricket Collective

Date: 8 November 1991

Present: John Anzani, Lesley Anzani, Peter Biggs, Chris Brasier, Debbie Ehrenberg, Matt Gummer, Phil Jones, Chris Lewis, Richard MacMillan (secretary), Keith Miller, Dave Muir, Lloyd Peters, Giles Pott, Barry Read, Tony Rose, Phil Solomon, Mike Welbrock

(Hon. Sc. apologises for the necessary use, for reasons of space, of initials from this point.)

1  Election of chair

Nominees: PJ, JA, CL, and DE.
Exhaustive ballot as follows:

1st ballot 2nd ballot 3rd ballot
PJ 3 6 10
JA 7 6 6
CL 3 3
DE 2

Therefore, PJ was elected to chair the meeting.

2.  Apologies for absence

Steve Hewlett, Geoff Gummer, John Nolan, Jon Harry, Tim Harry, Bruce Kennedy, Stuart Hunt, Paul O'Connor

3.  Matters arising from the minutes of the EEGM

PS wishes it to be known that, contrary to an item in the minutes to the EGM, he did not propose the establishment of a Tour Director.

4.  Statement fom Hon. Treas.

The Collective is currently £64.03 in credit.  We are owed a total of £102 in overdue subs from members, and £43 from Southwark Council as repayment for pitches not used last season (because of the weather).  A handout was provided by the Treas. to all present detailing the defaulters, and it was stressed by the assembled multitude that outstanding payments should be made to the Collective without delay, as a matter of urgency, and PDFQ.

Responding to LP's inquiry as to whether there was any policy on members suffering financial hardship, GP (for it was he) said he did not intend leaning on them.

PS asked if it was time to contact PC, and was informed that PC was still in receipt of all RBCC literature.

GP made an impassioned plea for subs for the new season tp be sent as soon as possible, so that Collective affairs could be dealt with.  CL asked why the RBCC account was charged £1.08 for 'services'.  It was generally agreed this was a direct result of all banks being bastards.

5. Fixtures

GP complained that it has on several occasions this season been a struggle to get a full team together.  MG supported this, saying on only 5 or 6 weekends was it necessary to actually 'select' a side.  Fixtures Sec. had a prepared speech on the matter which was shelved for reasons of brevity.  He did reveal, however, that the season's stats were as follows.  Won 4, Lost 10, Drew 2, Cancelled 5.  On the subject of availability, he pronounced that Collective action had been sadly missing on many occasions, leaving the same old hard core of members to thrash about looking for ringers and persuadable members to make up the XI.  PS agreed, but expressed the opinion, accepted by most present, that members did play as often as was possible for each individual, in which case, should we reduce the number of fixtures in the expectation of greater availability ?

KM asked how many London-based members there are - answer 19.  CL admitted that in arranging 753 fixtures for the 1991 season he had only been showing off in his first year as Fix Sec.

AL mused aloud that members' availability might be no greater with fewer fixtures.

DE asked for a point of information: why were 5 matches cancelled.  Answer:

  • London Sports Club for the Blind in June - we cancelled after being unable to raise a team.
  • Newcastle Supporters Club in July - their team didn't show up (it pissed down all day until 3pm, but RED BAT WERE THERE!)
  • Old Bromellians - Dulwich Bel Air ground closed ('waterlogged pitch' depite sweltering sunshine).
  • Another team - called off because of rain.
  • London Sports Club for the Blind in September - they cancelled after being unable to raise a team.

PB asked if members might expect the opportunity to play every weekend; would we lose our most enthusiastic members if we cut fixtures?

DM repeated AL's point.  PS said he expected that fewer matches would indeed lead to greater availability.

GP proposed that the season should commence in May, with fixtures 3 weekends in 4, providing 12 matches before the tour. (MG seconded).  CL proposed the later starting date, but without the 3 out of 4 bit.  DM intoned that the same week by week availability problem would exist.  PS felt that GP's proposal was too few fixtures for a bona fide team.  MG proposed an amendment to CL's proposal, that the immediately post-tour match be dropped, but that fixtures in September be retained, since the weather is always fab.  PS claimed that the voting-in of new members en bloc (well, 4 of them) didn't solve availability problems this season, and should not be considered as an answer for next year.

RM countered with the finely-honed argument that the Collective lost so many of its regular first-team members for this season (PB, DL, DM, SH, to name but four) that without the combined availability of four new members, our problems would have been greatly exacerbated.  Members were clearly impressed by the sage-like intervention.

Chair suggested that before we decided on numbers of fixtures, it would be logical to go through this year's fixtures in time-honoured manner, ditching the Shits and lauding the Fine Fellows.  LP came out with some spurious argument and was told to be quiet.

The reading of the Oppositions, and their place, if any, in next year's fixture list, followed thus:

Pacific - Dump 'em before they dump us (too late, says CL)
Harry Baldwin Occasionals - Ho Yus, at their place please
Cokenatch - Yes, but in September ( at their place)
Ebrington - Yes
Richgas - Yes, once a season
Nutley Hall - Yes, twice !
Sun Inn - Yes
Criterion (Windsor) - Yes
Newcastle Supporter Club - Fuck Right Off, absentee Geordie Bastards
London Sports Club for the Blind - Yes, once
Old Bromellians - Yes
MOB XI/RedBat North - Yes, but on a proper pitch
Nuxley - Yes, once
Old Brown Bears - No - they're too good (unusual candour there)
Ravensbourne Vagabonds - Yes, once
Non-conformists - No, no, and thrice no
Actors Anonymous - Yes, we loved it (says DM)
Royal College of Surgeons - Yes, away

Leading on from these decisions, CL points out that if we want to play any matches at all in Dulwich next year, Southwark Council now demand that we have to come up with 23 names and addresses of Southwark residents who belong to RedBat.  BR confessed he knows nothing.

PS wants the Fixtures Sec to ensure that the 1992 season includes a match against at least one mixed gender team, as mandayted by several past General Meetings.  Nearly all agreed.

Drinks were served.

Chair revealed that the above selection process had agreed on 15 matches at least.

There then followed a splendid debate in full-blooded RedBat tradition which can be desribed as the Proponents of the Hole versus the Advocates of the Whole-But-Shorter.   AL, PS, GP, and KM declared themselves Pro-holes(s) in the season, i.e. blank weekends, while CL, RM and unnamed others favoured a W-B-S season starting in May and taking in a couple of weeks in September at MG's suggestion.  KM made the sensible pragmatic point that holes can be filled if they prove inconvenient.  Just as the discussion swooped into the realsm of surrealism, JA returned us to this planet with the news that there were 20 weekends in the period being discussed.  Expressions of accord burst about our heads - 15 matches were decided upon from existing opponents, add two matches against new opponents, three holes, and what do we have ? a 17-match season (+ tour) beginning in May and ending in mid-September.  This concoction was supported by all parties, and was not voted upon, but will be adopted by the incoming Fixtures Sectretary.

PS closed the issue with the reminder that we still need plenty of available members to field a team each time.

6. Nets

PS, GP, and DM say go for Brixton nets (the existing situation).  CL pointed out that the Sobell Centre have nets, but the South London Posse appeared less than keen.

KM wanted to know why AL hadn't yet proposed coaching in the nets, to which AL, temporarily back in command of his faculties after a lengthy period where we all felt weed lost him, said nets were crap for match preparation.  Defending the Committee's proposal (well, someone had to) of nets four weeks before and four weeks into the season, GP said it would add a sense of urgency.  MG stressed the importance of mid-season nets, and in a perfectly logical extrapolation of this, proposed that nets be booked for eight weeks up to the start of the season, and noe afterwards.  KM stressed the other benefits of pre-season nets, i.e. meeting new and prospective members and scrutinising their cricketing abilities, and meeting existing members on a social but vaguelycricketing basis, and for dealing.  (he didn't say that last bit - Ed).  Much agreement on this point.  Three proposals were made and seconded:

  • GP (seconded GP in a false beard) the Committee proposal i.e. four weeks before and four during
  • PS (seconded The Real Beard) Six weeks before and two during
  • DM (seconded PB) Eight weeks before and none during.

Voting was as follows.

1st ballot 2nd ballot
GP proposal 1
PS proposal 9 8
DM proposal 8 7

Thus, there will be two nets, paid for by the Collective, for all members (and prospective members/guests at a nominal charge) at Brixton nets, commencing six weeks before the start of the season (ie mid-March) and continuing to mid-May. [Point of information - Brixton insists on two nets at a time being booked.  Otherwise we might have been tempted to book just one.]  As always, further nets and tuition may be arranged before or after these dates, but will be paid for on a private basis by the members interested.

7. Kit

JA reported with his recommendations on match gear - that the bag was unfit and that it should be replaced.  Also, as some gear was only fit for nets use, we needed replacements as follows:

1 pr batting pads
1 pr keepers pads
1 bat

AL demanded that the pads be Extra Large.  PS objected.  Other special pleading requested Cack-handed gloves for TR, long-handled light bat for AL, natural finish rather than polyarmoured bat(s), and velcro straps on all pads, (vital with the speed our wickets fall, quoth PS).

GP reported on nets gear, and after an exhaustive inventory, recommended that we acquire either by demotion/replacement from match gear, or straight purchase, 1-2 prs of bigger pads, at least 1 bat, more balls (a severe lack in both bags, provoking outrage from PB) and 1 pr LH gloves.

KM announced cheap gear at Tenches.

The Committee is to bear all these recommendations in mind during purchases.

8. Subscriptions for 1992 season

GP reports that if all subs are forthcoming in good time, and all debts made good, there is no reason for subs to be increased from the present £30 p.a. for full members and £11 p.a. for country members.  This was heartily endorsed on the nod.

Sandwiches were served.

9.  1992 Tour

As well as the proposal for Cambridgeshire as the lucky hosts of the 1992 RedBat Tour, DE suggested South Devon (Exmouth area) and County Cork, Ireland.  TR proposed a boat on the Norfolk Broads.  PS formally proposed Cambridgeshire, as it is nearer to London.  CL suggested that PS buy a new car, whereupon PS pointed out that at least he could drive (laughter, mutters of 'debatable').  DE indicated contacts in S. Devon.   CL stressed importance of keeping the accommodation all together.  PS and others pointed out the practical difficulties of C. Cork (extra days off, travelling arrangements, TR driving the minibus all that way etc).  The tour destination was voted on:

1st ballot 2nd ballot
Cambridgeshire 8 8
S. Devon 6 7+1
C. Cork 1
N Broads 1

DE said other events beyond the cricket were of importance to non-players, and that they might be fewer in Cambs. than elsewhere.  AL pleaded that Cambs. is boring.

PS said the cameraderie, the cricket and the crack has always proved to be enough in the past, without the need for diversions, and PB claimed that Cambs. pitches were "second to none".  The Committee was empowered to examine the feasability of a tour in Cambs. as a priority, and S. Devon as a back-up.

On the matter of the selection of the touring party, PS explained his proposal(s).   CB, in his debut speech, bravely disinterred the Spirit of the Collective in support of 9(a)(ii).  CL agreed, but suggests that a specific number be ascertained to aid organising the arrangements.  JA required to know the number of games he would play before he pays his tour deposit, and expressed unwillingness to tour for just one game out of three. (Readers wishing to know the arguments used for and against the points raised are politely guided to the minutes of earlier meetings.)  CL wanted deferral until we knew how many members actually wanted to tour.  Others were keen to resolve the issue here and now.  After some tussling and snarling, the basic principle of how many will make up the touring party, 16+1 or all that want to, was voted upon:

16+1 2
All who want     12

Chair now suggested voting on selection proposals, ie who plays one game and who two.   There were three proposals:

  • PS (seconded CL): First past the post so that earlier applicants by post after a given starting date, with £10 deposit) get preference to play 2 games.  The exact numbers would depend on the final number of tourists.
  • AL (seconded MW): Committee to decide on method of selection once numbers are known.
  • PB (seconded JA): Players of 2 and 12 matches will be selected by ballot/names out of a hat, once all intending tourists are known.

LP feared an army of corrupt posties might pervert the course of justice if PS's proposal were adopted.

A vote was taken:

PS proposal 2
AL proposal 1
PB proposal 12

Therefore, the tour will consist of all who wish to tour, provided they are prepared, if their name is picked, to play only 1 match.  Obviously,  volunteers for one match only are welcomed, and CB volunteered at an early stage.

It was also suggested that special provision be made for those players who lost out in the unfortunate absence of the lily-livered back-sliding Williton team on the final day of last season's tour.

10. New members

The meeting was overrunning badly, so this item was deferred to the pre-season EGM.

11. Election of the 1992 Committee

  • Proposals for Captain were:
    Tony Rose (Prop PS, seconded MW)
    Giles Pott  (Prop JA, seconded PJ)
    In a straight vote, Giles received 18 votes (including proxies) and Tony 2.  Giles Pott was therefore duly confirmed as Captain of RedBat for the 1992 season, and congratulated upon his elevation.
  • Proposals for Hon. Sec.
    The Beard (prod JA, seconded GP)
    Err, no-one else.  Beard returned unopposed
  • Proposals for Fixtures Sec:
    Chris Lewis (prop TR, seconded GP)
    Bruce Kennedy (prop PS, seconded KM)
    Straight vote: Chris Lewis 16, Bruce Kennedy 2
    Chris Lewis is therefore reinstalled for a second great year
  • Proposals for Treasurer:
    Bruce Kennedy (prop KM, seconded GP)
    Tony Rose (prop DE, seconded PS)
    Geoff Gummer (prop PS, seconded JA)
    Voting: Bruce 10, Tony 9, Geoff 0
    Bruce, absently ecstatic, was elected as Treas.
  • Proposals for Minister Without Portfolio:
    Tony Rose (prop LP, seconded GP)
    Geoff Gummer (prop MG, seconded JA)
    Lloyd Peters (prop MG, seconded DM)
    Debbie Ehrenberg (prop PS, seconded MG)
    1st ballot 2nd ballot 3rd ballot
    Tony 13 12 13
    Geoff 1
    Lloyd 3 4
    Debbie 5 5 7

    Tony Rose retains his enigmatic role, adopted mid-season this year.  LP demanded an investigation.

DM, in a rush of magnanimity and alcohol, offered himself up in the unofficial but vital role of Tour Liaison Officer, and was unanimously elected and applauded.

12. Any Other Business

Player of the year
Nominees in this most prized category were:
Tony Rose, Bruce Kennedy, Paul O'Connor, Andy Lee, Jon Harry, and Chris Brasier (on the basis of his famous Six).  All were proposed and seconded.

1st ballot 2nd ballot 3rd ballot
TR 8 7 10
BK 1
PoC 2 0
AL 2 5 7
JH 2 2
CB 1

RedBat player of the Year - Tony Rose

NB Collective averages were distributed, the excellent work of RBCC statistician PS, arranged and presented by MW

Most Improved Player
Proposed: nobody.  Elected unopposed.

LP proposed a ban on smoking while playing, seconded by PB.  Citing 8(f) of the Constitution, JA claims that smoking breaches this clause.   A vote was taken, and a ban passed by 7 votes to 4. "My, how times change" remarked not a few members through the haze.

The KitKat Strike Rate Award 1991 was won by Paul O'Connor in absentia.

Instructions were given to the new Committee to find a new pub for the next General Meeting, although where we're going to find another pub in London with a bagpipe trio playing Scotland the Brave on a Friday night is a matter of some concern.

Before closing, the meeting expressed its heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the outgoing Captain, for all his hard work and expended energy over the past two seasons, in a way only RedBat Cricket Collective knows how.  Nevertheless, in my role as minute-taker I take it upon myself to express all this and more to Matt on behalf of the membership.

The meeting finally ran out of beer at 11.29pm