The Constitution
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AGM of Red Bat Cricket Collective

Date:  1989


Peter Biggs, Pete Chapman, Geoff Gummer, Matt Gummer, Steve Hewlett, Stuart Hunt, Bruce Kennedy, Chris Lewis, Dave Lloyd (chair), Richard MacMillan, Keith Miller, Dave Muir, Paul O'Connor (secretary), Giles Pott, Tony Rose, Phil Solomon, Mike Welbrock

Absent with apologies

John Anzani, Richard Butterworth, Bill Gill, Farooq Hamid, Phil Jones, Andy Lee, John Nolan, Lloyd Peters, Mike Redfern


1 Minutes of the last meeting

Phil Jones wished it to be known that he had indeed sent apologies through his Committee member for his absence from the last EGM.  He also wished to have it recorded that whilst he welcomed the early receipt of the Minutes from that meeting, the flippant references therein to certain members were not to be condoned.

2  Financial Report

The yearly financial report was presented by Dave Muir.  The only mildly interesting discussion arising out of the report concerned the possible transfer of the bank account away from the capitalist running dogs of NatWest, and towards a sounder financial establishment.  The debate petered out without any conclusive agreement.

3  Nets

Keith Miller requested that consideration be given to restricting the nets to existing members, thus avoiding the unseemly over-crowding experienced on occasion last season.   A general discussion ensued on the perceived inefficiency of Brixton Recreation Centre during which Chris Lewis and Stuart Hunt made it clear that they thought the Collective should engage in more organised and effective harassment of the recreation centre staff should they show any sign of not coming up to the mark.

Geoff Gummer suggested that each member should be levied as and when they turned up for a net.  This met with general derision.  Stuart Hunt suggested a show of hands to indicate people's intentions viz next year's nets.  Eleven indicated that they would regularly use any nets booked.

No agreement could be reached on the number of nets or when they should be booked, and it was therefore decided by a unanimous vote that the Committee would decide.

4  Subscriptions

Pete Biggs asked whether there was any scientific reason for the Committee's suggestion that the subs remain a the present level.  Dave Muir claimed that it was based on some sort of forecast of spend.  Chris Lewis suggested a new system of subscription whereby each would pay according to their means.  This was discussed but it was finally decided by 13 voted to 1 that this matter would be left until the EGM in the Spring.

6  Pitches

Dave Muir presented this one on behalf of a temporarily absent Phil Solomon.   Communication had been received from Southwark, and due to the need to hurry off a response Phil had plumped for requesting the Polytechnic pitch or Belair.  There was a strong ground swell of opinion, led by Giles Pott and Geoff Gummer, to the effect that RBCC never again darken the leafy lanes of Dulwich Park.  This actually went to the vote, and was carried by 10 votes to 3, with 1 abstention.

7  New Gear

The Beard had prepared an inventory of our present riches in this department, and just to show off had included a picture of the man with the bottom.  Pete Biggs suggested that we make an attempt to re-claim the money spent on our latest cricket bag, and Paul O'Connor that we simply buy a better quality of bag.  Steve Hewlett requested more left-handed batting gloves, Stuart Hunt more boxes (how many does he need ?) and Matt Gummer more protective gear.  No final conclusion was reached on which new gear should be bought so it was suggested, and appeared to be agreed, the the Committee would decide.

5  Fixtures (Phil now having arrived)

Comments were invited on any team anyone particularly didn't want to play again.   Keith Miller registered a strong objection to Merton Saints on the incontestable grounds that the skipper was a bastard, and was supported in this view by Stuart Hunt.   The proposal was passed by 6 votes to 0 with 7 abstentions.

Giles Pott proposed we dispense with Kingston, and was seconded by Dave Muir.   Someone else suggested that we also dispense with William Hill, and I'm sure was seconded by someone else.  There is no record of a vote being taken on these two teams, but a note was taken to the effect that neither would be played again.

The annual two-innings game was debated at some length.  Dave Muir proposed that it be dropped forthwith, and was seconded by Matt Gummer.  Stuart Hunt proposed a two-innings game of limited overs, but was not seconded in this ludicrous flight of fancy.   Dave's proposal was passed by 8 votes to 3 with 3 abstentions.  Giles Pott proposed a one-innings 40 over match, which was seconded by Geoff Gummer.  After a 5-5 tie on the first attempt this was passed by 7 votes to 5 with 3 abstentions.

8  Tour

Phil told the meeting that he had been contacted by Nuxley with a view to swapping tours from this year, thus we would go to Dorset and they to the Cotswolds.  This idea was proposed and seconded, and was passed by 13 votes to 0 with 1 abstention.

9  Mini-tour

The idea of returning to the scene of our August triumphs for a weeked was suggested, and was welcomed by the assembled masses.  Discussion took place on whether to limit the numbers of playing members travelling.  The Secretary appears to have recorded two votes on this issue, one indicating that the number be restricted to 13 or 14, the other that there be no restriction.  Both were carried by substantial margins.   Anyway, it was agreed that Phil Solomon be left to organise things (rather pre-empting the forthcoming elections).

10  Fund-raising Events and the Ilk

The initial discussion on this subject consisted of a bollocking for the Secretary for using the word 'charity' on the Agenda.  Fair enough.

Debate seems to have been somewhat inconclusive on this one.  There would appear however to have been general agreement that a concrete suggestion on the nature of the fund-raising event was required, and a vote was taken on this being other than a game of cricket.  This was carried by 14 votes to 0 with 2 abstentions.  There was also a vote on this being left to the Committee to decide, which was strangely defeated by 10 votes to 2 with 3 abstentions.

11 New Members

Dave Muir threw the names of Nat and Barry into the hat (no surnames supplied), whilst noting that they would both be completing their studies sometime in 1990 and would therefore be unsure of their future movements.  Chris Lewis suggested that the question of new members be postponed until the EGM in the Spring, in the meantime inviting any nice people we know to attend the pre-season nets.  This idea met with general agreement, but it was proposed that there be a weekly £1 fee for non-members attendance at the nets.  This was carried by 15 votes to 1 with no abstentions.  Phil Jones and Bill Gill were proposed as Country Members, and were unanimously elected as such.

12  Election of New Committee

Of those specified on the Agenda, Stuart Hunt felt he had to withdraw due to an impending change in circumstance.  Dave Lloyd made the observation that perhaps he should have learnt a little earlier the wisdom of withdrawal.

During the course of much toing and froing various individuals were proposed, seconded, abused, rejected, cajoled, threatened and withdrawn.  When all the activity subsided the following Committee emerged (may Gawd bless all who sail in her):

Captain Matt Gummer
Secretary Richard MacMillan
Treasurer Giles Pott
Fixture Secretary Phil Solomon
Nothing to do Chris Lewis

It should also be recorded that during the course of this frenzy a constitutional issue aroce regarding the unopposed election of Committee members, that is without a vote having been taken.  The point was raised by Phil Solomon.  A vote on whether such an election was unconstitutional was defeated by 11 votes to 2 with 3 abstentions.

13  Player of the Year

All of the following were nominated for this prestigious award:

Andy Lee
Pete Biggs
Stuart Hunt
Dave Lloyd
Bruce Kennedy
Dave Muir

Following an exhausting ballot the boy Biggs beat Dave 'Keeper' Muir by a long neck, and was thus declared holder of the non-tangible trophy for the year.

14  Any Other Business

There was none raised at the meeting, but I for one meant to move a vote of thanks to Dave Lloyd for his stoicism in the face of adversity and for his efforts to control the hooligan element within the Collective during his term of office.