The Constitution
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AGM of Red Bat Cricket Collective

Date:  7 December 1984

Venue: Royal Oak


Richard Butterworth, Debbie Ehrenberg, Bill Gill, Geoff Gummer, Matt Gummer, Farooq Hamid, Steve Hewlett, Phil Jones, Keith Miller, Val Moon, Dave Muir, John Nolan, Paul O'Connor, Giles Pott, Mike Redfern, Tony Rose, Phil Solomon, Mike Welbrock


John Anzani, Dave Lloyd, Mark Moore, Lloyd Peters

1.  Matters arising not on the agenda

The Committee apologised for the lack of copies of the minutes of the last meeting.   It was agreed that these along with copies of the Constitution be sent to all members.

Geoff Gummer stated that in his opinion the post of Treasurer should be created.   After discussion S Hewlett, seconded by B Gill, proposed that the post be created thus increasing the size of the Committee from four to five.  The Treasurer would be responsible for the administration of club funds.  They would also be called upon to present the accounts to the AGM.  This motion was carried.

2.  The question of the level of membership

Discussion of the level of membership began with M Moore.  P Jones, seconded by P Solomon, proposed that M Moore be expelled from the club and two new members be recruited increasing the total membership to twenty one.  The first part of the proposal was deemed unconstitutional (expulsion of a member requiring a separate motion).  The second half of the motion was carried.

B Gill, seconded by G Pott, proposed that M Moore no longer be considered a member of Red Bat Cricket Collective on the grounds that he had not played in any matches the previous season, paid subscriptions owing, and had failed to make contact with any member of the Committee.  The motion was carried.  Under the terms of the Constitution the Secretary agreed to notify M Moore of the decision by post inviting him to appear before an Extraordinary General Meeting to present his case for remaining as a club member.  Failure to reply to this letter would be interpreted as his agreeing to the aforementioned motion.

Discussion then followed on the recruitment of two new members.  B Gill proposed, seconded by S Hewlett, that nominees be invited to pre-season nets by their sponsors to enable existing members to assess their suitability, deferring to a future date the decision as to who the two new members would be.  The motion was carried.

Elections for the posts of:- Captain, Secretary, Treasurer and two committee mmebers (without portfolio).  Term of office to run until the AGM of 1986.

Voting was as follows:-

  1. P O'Connor was elected as Club Captain unopposed.
  2. K Miller was elected as Club Secretary unopposed.
  3. B Gill, G Pott, and M Welbrock were nominated for the post of Treasurer.  After exhaustive balloting B Gill was electred Treasurer.
  4. P Jones, P Solomon, J Anzani, and M Welbrock were nominated for the two remaining committee posts.  M Welbrock and P Solomon were elected.

After discussion, R Butterworth was elected vice-captain.

3.  The level of subscriptions

B Gill proposed that the level of subscription be set at £25, also that a club bank account be opened.  This was agreed by the meeting.

The Committee also agreed to organise a single wicket competition and members were invited to put forward suggestions for s  tour over the August bank holiday weekend.

4.  Any other business

P O'Connor porposed a vote of thanks for P Solomon for his work over the past two years.  He was presented with a bottle of port.

G Pott proposed that there should be a Player of the Year award.  Put to the vote the motion was carried.  What form should it take ?  D Muir proposed that the award should take no physical form (spontaneous acclaim?), the meeting agreed to this.

P O'Connor gave the meeting a quick resumé on the subject of nets, agreeing to report back on further developments.  B Gill spoke about the nets at Brixton recreation centre.  The meeting favoured nets at Monck St., depending on access.

Finally the meeting was informed of M Redfern's impending eviction, obviously a pre-arranged signal for members to head in the direction of the bar.